PlaneShift Unreal Alpha Release 0.7.18
By PlaneShift Team,
February 7th 2022

Hello PlaneShifters, we are back with another PSUnreal release! Yaaaayyyy! This time is 0.7.18, ready to be downloaded from PSLauncher. This release is important as at this point pretty much all the PSLegacy functionalities are in. Let us know if you think we are ready for the real migration.
Here is the list of changes:
- Implemented a new functionality of achievements. You will get achievements upon migration for the ones you already achieved in PSLegacy. Some you will have to redo. There are achievement for combat, loot, quests, events, crafting, magic, and many more. This is the first implementation, so please test it and let us know if it works for you and which changes/improvements you would like to see.
- Fixed all the entrances to guildhouses, you can now enter your guildhouse! We also found a way to port the guildhouse items from the old game. Those should be correct in terms of position, but may have a wrong rotation. You will have to fix the rotation yourself in Unreal, just right click and transform.
- Changed top menu bar to be split in three panels: Character, Social, Others. This is done to avoid a long list of icons hard to search, and to allow room for the next icons that will come.
- Added back the ability to right click and get a description on some of the static items in the game. We didnt add new ones, but the one present in PSLegacy should now be working.
- Updated Settings window to use new background based on Jade theme with more space for content
- Made the arena dungeon doors openable, right click or press E
- Added openable gates in hydlaa walls, north gate and west gate
- Connected the old tutorial area to hydlaa, its now accessible from the north part of the city. We will shortly fix items and NPC in that area
- Fixes to merchant window to prevent wrong clicks on buy/sell and wrong item list
- Fixed login window to be adaptable to different screen resolutions
- Fixed error in Active spell window
- Fixed a number of sounds which were not 3d based (levers, traps, house footsteps, ...)
- Fixed crash preventing (for now) to cast spells on Interactable Objects
- Fixed bug in loading secret passage marker
- Some fixes to group loot
- Added new panel for GMs to set flags
- Fixes to Howling well cavern entrance
- Fixes to caves entrances
- Fixed enter and exit from guildhouses
- Fixed crash on summoning pet after relogging
- Deleted 55779 unused characters to free up names (full list is on Discord in #announcements ), making sure the criteria of deletion would not affect any "meaningful" character. The criteria used to select the characters to delete is following: - The account owning this character has not logged in game after 2018-01-01
- The character has less than 300 seconds of gameplay
- The character has no money and no items in his inventory or in its storage
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